Currently Ukrainian society is in transition from post-industrial to informative. This means that in modern society, information (including its reliability and timeliness) plays a paramount role. Timely collection of information about the companies with which you are going to cooperate or have any other financial relationship can save you from major financial losses.
There are cases when a fictitious firm offers to buy non-existent goods, either at a significantly inflated cost, or simply expired or defective goods. It is much more convenient for an enterprise not to produce a certain product, but to create the illusion that you can take possession of this product.
If someone in the early nineties provided the public with information on MMM LLC before people rushed to invest in this soap bubble, … and this is far from the only case of fraud of this kind. Unfortunately, the collection of information about enterprises was not possible at that time due to the lack of private detective agencies.
Although much has changed since the early nineties, fraud is still an ongoing problem. The enterprise offers a certain product, service or income from investments, collects enough money and disappears. Then he appears in another city or country with a different name, repeats his actions and disappears again. In the nineties, cases of bankrupt banks and burned-out savings of citizens were also common.
The collection of information about enterprises is very relevant now, when with the advent of the Internet it has become even easier to organize a fictitious enterprise for the purpose of fraud. Surely you will receive letters in the mail with advertisements for various products and services. Only a small percentage of these messages are advertisements for actually provided products, services – for the most part, these companies are just a set of characters and computer graphics posted on the Internet by some kind of fraudster.
You may also receive a message that you have won the Irish National Lottery. They say that the computer chose your email address by drawing lots, and if you are now reading this message, then you are the winner. All that is required of you is to send a small amount somewhere, as some kind of compensation or tax.
If you are a freelancer, then the likelihood of encountering scammers is simply huge. Suppose you are posting a resume on a certain job site, a scammer stumbles upon your profileand immediately sends a letter in which he reveals a desire to cooperate with you. There are cases when people worked for half a year for a non-existent company, and the fruits of their labor were used without any remuneration by a criminal person.
The same problem can be encountered outside the Internet. Private offices, even if not fictitious, but quite real, often go for fraud. A common practice is the following: an organization (supermarket or club) hires a worker (loader, bartender) on the condition that he must pass a probationary period. And at the end of the probationary period, which can be significantly delayed, report that the employee is not suitable for them. Then they hire the next one for a trial period and the situation repeats.
Collecting information about businesses can protect you from the threat of being deceived and robbed. Also, this service, which is provided by the private detective agency “Strela”, located in Kyiv, will allow the investor to make sure that his investment does not burn out along with some failed enterprise, that it is quite creditworthy and will not dissolve into thin air, having obtained a loan. So, in addition to identifying fraudulent enterprises, collecting information about enterprises will help identify the creditworthiness of an enterprise, learn about previous partners, transactions, and the success of these transactions for both parties.